
Alla inlägg under maj 2016

Av Jonna & Kätlin - 10 maj 2016 21:20


How are you guys doing? Im kinda fine, im having a headache :p

I have been having a headache the whole day, but im starting to getting better. ^-^

We have not been doing so much today in school, and i end school at 14:15 at tuesdays^^ Hehe. So after school i have been listening to music and then we had Pizza :D And after i finished eating i took a walk on 40 min - 1 h. It was nice, it was nice and hot weather today :) Summer is finally comming^^ 

Then we have Grönt Veckoslut here at my school on friday and satureday. My aunt will come and visit my school on friday and then i will follow her home after she have looked at my school :) It will be fun^^ It will be nice to visit her, im sure we will just talk, drink tea and watch movies or something as normal^^ :)

But now i will take care of my headache and drink some tea so see ya all later.





Av Jonna & Kätlin - 8 maj 2016 01:50


I was celebrating my godmother yesterday, it was a nice sunny day outside. We sat outside eating cookies drinking tea and coffee while we talked. It was really nice, it was a while ago since i last saw her. Hope i can see her soon again^^


This was my outfit, it´s inspired by Babymetal and their song Karate ^^

I really love Babymetal and their music^^ 


And my favorite in the group is Moametal, she is so adorable and cute^⁻^


My favorite song is Karate^^ and my favorite musicvideo is Megitsune :) Which Babymetal song is your favorite and who is your favorite in the group? :) I did also just found where you can buy their costumes :D


Im thinking about buying one after i have got my money from my summerjobbs this summer :) Im gonna cosplay Moametal with my friend Elwira who will cosplay Yuimetal^^ We are thinking about making videos together. That would be so fun^^ Im learning the dance to Karate right now, it´s hard but im learning it :)

When i have got my cosplay, would you like to get a video where im dancing to one of Babymetals songs? If you do, like this post or leave a comment^^ The videos that i have in mind right now are Babymetal Death, Karate, Catch Me If You Can and Doki Doki    Morning

But now i have to wait until i have the money to buy the cosplay^^ 

Now it´s getting late so i have to go to sleep, but see ya tomorow.

Night night  




Av Jonna & Kätlin - 7 maj 2016 17:12

Well well hello there folks~!

I'm also going to write my first post here, cause why not ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) a little introduction wouldnt be bad, it's nice to learn to know eachother, isin't it?

 As you already know - for sure - that my name is Kätlin and ofcourse you can call me Kachee Cha or just Kachee. I live in Estonia, it's just a wonderful and small country and I'm 16 years old returning a year older in autumn. I'm full of many magic powers, I draw, sing, growl, scream, play a piano and a guitar, write poems or stories, I'm also thinking about writing a book in the future, read alot of books, I can also read 2 books together, no you can't call me a book addict. I was discussing with my friend in what addict we are, with her friend too, she was actually celebrating her birthday so we decided that I am a music addict. Because I sing alot, create music on my own, I also compose and produce music, mix something up with music and play two instruments. 

 And oh I also LOVE to study languages, I can speak 7 languages, or barely some of them, right now I'm working hard with Swedish, even its school atm and I am going to graduate this year I can't find my freetime to learn the language atm, but I'll get back to it in summer, when I have time. At school im learning English and Russian. I also can speak really a little Japanese, Korean, German, Finnish and... French? I don't even remember haha. 

 I also love to design stuff on the picture editing programs, I love to design everything like: headers, pictures, posters, icons. and so on. I also designed the header of this blog by myself. I'm also going to learn web-design in the future!

 Today it's really sunny in Estonia, so I was just sitting outside all day and read a book, I've read over for like 4 times, I'm just really in love in that book, it talks about a teenager who has lost her closest person and then she meets with a guy from foreign country and they has the same soulpains and scars. I just can't stop reading the book, so I just read it all day outside. Now I'm just sitting here and writing cause I've got some motivation to write thank to books and I'm listening to Babymetal from my radio with the cd I made by myself cause why do we have to waste our money for cd's even if we can make some too?

 I actually can't stand pop and I'm always listening to heavy metal, art metal or hardcore metal or whatever suits with my taste, but sometimes I happen to listen to kpop cause it brings me alot of good memories and it just makes me feel good, kpop was my past a then it knocked metal to my door and here I am now. for me the metal music for the people who have gone through really hard pain and suffered so hard to stay alive, who have been near to suicide and self-harm and who is carrying a soulpain with themselves. 

 So I guess it's pretty much it for my first post I hope you're going to love the blog, "I guess?" *makes Endigo's voice and makes face what follows with that sentence*

Thank you, come again!

~Kachee Cha


Av Jonna & Kätlin - 6 maj 2016 23:33

Hello everyone!

Welcome to our blog!^^

My name is Jonna and im having this blog with my girlfriend Kätlin^^ You can also call her Kachee Cha^^

We will write about our lifes, what we like to do and more :)

But here are some facts about us^^

My name is Jonna and im 17 years old, i live in sweden and im studying the 2nd year of highschool to be a vet nurse. I like animals, music, japanese culture and style, anime, visual kei, YOHIO, Disreign and other Visual kei bands. And im bisexual which means i like both boys and girls and dont care about the gender but the person :) Both me and Kätlin share the same interest and she is 16 and she lives in Estonia. 

And i will visit her this summer, it will be so awesome^0^ 

But this was a short post about us and what we will write about. Now i will go to sleep so see you guys in the next post. Bye!^^




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Hello and welcome to our blog. We are Jonna and Kätlin. We have been together for some months now and want to share our life with you. Hope you like our blog and wanna stay♡

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